Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Two more teeth and first steps!!

It's been a while since I've updated, Taylor has started eating table foods, everything I eat she LOVES to eat! She also gets into EVERYTHING including the DVD rack where I babysit, it was funny and cute the first time.... lol.
Shortly after she began to crawl Taylor started cruising and walking very VERY well with me or daddy, it's all she wants to do. Walk, walk, walk!! Well all the practice has paid off! Sunday she took her first unassisted steps! It's so exciting! She hasn't done more then 2-3 steps here or there, but she's getting it!
Also on Sunday she cut two more lower teeth, now she has 6 teeth!! She's also been working on the other two upper teeth and it probably wont be long until she is up too 8!! It's amazing how fast time flies when you have a baby! She's going to be a year in just under 2 months and I am in shock that it's gone by so fast!!!