Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Two more teeth and first steps!!

It's been a while since I've updated, Taylor has started eating table foods, everything I eat she LOVES to eat! She also gets into EVERYTHING including the DVD rack where I babysit, it was funny and cute the first time.... lol.
Shortly after she began to crawl Taylor started cruising and walking very VERY well with me or daddy, it's all she wants to do. Walk, walk, walk!! Well all the practice has paid off! Sunday she took her first unassisted steps! It's so exciting! She hasn't done more then 2-3 steps here or there, but she's getting it!
Also on Sunday she cut two more lower teeth, now she has 6 teeth!! She's also been working on the other two upper teeth and it probably wont be long until she is up too 8!! It's amazing how fast time flies when you have a baby! She's going to be a year in just under 2 months and I am in shock that it's gone by so fast!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Another Tooth!

Taylor has cut another tooth today! Her upper right, her left is pretty close to! It's very exciting, I can't believe how fast she's growing!

Now that she's gotten very good at crawling, she is everywhere! She goes after pets and people and toys, she likes to get into EVERYTHING! She is also standing up every chance she gets and is starting to slowly cruise the furniture. I can't believe how fast she's growing!

I got her a cute swimming pool and bathing suit for the hotter days and she LOVES it, she likes to splash the water and crawl through it to the grass.We took her out to the lake last weekend and had a blast, the weather wasn't as nice as it was forcasted to be but it was still a lot of fun!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Last Saturday morning (6/12/10) while over at Stephanie's' house babysitting Taylor started to crawl, and there is no stopping her now! She is def. on the move! It's very cute, and she's very good at it already. She has started following me around in the house and is trying to pull herself up on things, it's only a matter of time 'til she's walking!

She also started eating finger foods yesterday, nothing major, just Gerber puffs but she thinks its great and it's pretty cute to watch. I can't believe how fast my little munchkin is growing up!

Picture is from a trip out to Westport to visit Great Grampa John, the little colorful candies in the stem were all over the place with in just a few minutes of Taylor getting a hold of the flag, lol.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Trip too the Zoo and update :)

So I just thought I would post an update for the last couple of weeks. It's June now and we went to the zoo yesterday, my sister and I took our kids and it was a lot of fun even though we got DRENCHED and Taylor had a few cranky moments. She LOVES the fish tanks! The picture is her sitting next to one of the big aquariums, she was having such a blast! It's nice to go when it's raining because there are like NO people there so we got to take our time and let her and James play.

We also went on the carousel at the zoo, she liked it at first but when it started to speed up she was not having it and clinged too me until I got her off the pony, She didn't cry or anything so I didn't feel like it was imperative to get off the ride all together. My nephew James really wanted to go again, so we went twice and both times it was the same, I think when she's older she will enjoy it a lot.

Her allergies seem to be waaaayyyyy under control now, I don't have to give her benadryl often at all, not even every day now, it's very nice, I felt bad having to give her something that sometimes even makes me feel loopy!

Although it's been rainy a ton the last week or so we have taken advantage of the few sun breaks we get and playing outside in the grass, she absolutely LOVES it!!! * If you look closely at this picture of her playing with a clover flower you can see her teeth! :)*

Taylor finally outgrew her cradle! :( Sigh. I can't believe how big she already is, at 7 months she is already wearing size 9 and 12 month clothes and weighs over 18lbs! We moved her crib into our room since she still nurses at night and for some reason her room doesn't heat. Quite honestly, I'm not completely ready for her to be that far away anyway, she is still too young in my opinion.

We are MOBILE!!! Okay, so she isn't actually crawling yet-give it a week or so- but she is def. mobile, she gets around! Between scooting on her butt and pulling herself on things she is moving and moving with purpose! It's very cute, but I'm realizing it may be time for some baby proofing..... Well that's it for now!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Allergies, teeth and sunshine! Oh my!

Allergies SUCK! I've had allergies all my life and am allergic to sooooo much that it shouldn't surprise me that Taylor is showing allergy symptoms, but I was hoping so much that she wouldn't have inherited them, sigh. Unfortunately the doctors think she has a scotch broom allergy!

She has been a stuffy, sneezy, coughing, cranky, boogery mess for the last week and a half and when I brought her in yest. they told me it's very likely that she has developed a scotch broom allergy. I know that it's very common, I just hope that she wont have the allergies I do. It's so miserable for her, I hate that I can't do much for her
:( We've started her on benadryl for severe symptoms, I'm only giving it before bed and before her first nap. It seems to be helping so far, but we'll see in about a week if it's really working or not.

Her little teeth are in far enough now that I've caught a few pics with my phone! They still seem to bother her once in a while so I got her some mini Popsicle's that are slow melt and she LOVES them, and they really help her. It's really cute to watch her mess with her teeth, she keeps feeling them with her tounge. She hasn't really started to bite with them, but I'm sure she will soon, I don't think any baby doesn't experiment with their new teeth by biting!

We've been going outside and enjoying the nice weather, she LOVES the grass! She hasn't tried to eat it, but she did try to eat a pansy I picked for her to play with. It's very cute!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Big week for Taylor!!

It's been about a week since I've updated and since then we've hit a couple little milestones!

On Tuesday the 4th Taylor cut her first tooth, her lower right then 2 days later on the 6th she cut her second one, lower left! I can't get a good pic of them because all she wants to do is run her tongue along them!

She also started saying "dada" and "blahblah" all the time, of course I tell her to say mama instead, but I'm so excited that she is saying words now! It's so cute :)

She also waves and has been doing so for about 2 1/2 weeks or so now, it started just being a game for her when she sat with her daddy but now she does it at other people or at the pets, it's very cute!

Taylor also started sleeping most of the night, lately she's been waking up only once to nurse, lets hope she keeps it up, I like the extra zzzzz's!
That's about it for now, she's doing great trying new baby foods, she also had her first popsicle over at my sisters house on friday and LOVED it, but only if I held it and fed it too her, lol.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Taylor had her 6 mo check up!

Taylors' check up was on Tuesday and she is doing great! 17lbs 9oz and in the 80% for her weight, and 26 & 3/4 inches she's in the 85% for her height. I can't believe how fast my baby is growing!

She is now old enough for Ibuprofen (infant Advil/Motrin) and it seems to help her teething pain a bit better then Tylenol.

I did not have her vaccinated, and I'm not sure if I will have her vaccinated in the future. Her pediatrician is very supportive and provides information when ever I ask for it. I've been doing more and more research regarding vaccination and risks/benefits, it's odd too me that more extensive studies have not been conducted on their safety and effectiveness. I found an interesting article on the study of vaccines in primate infants causing autism

Other vaccine info links:

Most of the disease that are being routinely vaccinated against are either eradicated or have little to no chance of causing life long problems such as autism and G.I issues that have been linked with vaccines and the ingredients used to make them. I would encourage any one who has kids or is thinking about vaccinating themselves to educate first. You can find the ingredients to any vaccination by asking your doctor for the package insert, the insert should also contain possible side effects and description of the disease.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Taylor Paige is my amazing little girl. She was born on October 24 2009. She weighed in at 7lbs 14.2oz and was 19.5inches long!

She is my absolute world and I couldn't imagine life without her.

She is now 6 months old and getting so big and hitting so many milestones that I decided a blog would be a great way to share the milestones and updates as well as keep them recorded for myself.

Taylor has been sitting up unsupported since she was just under 5 months and has been teething since she was about 2.5 months. Her two bottom teeth are visible but not quite there, any day now!

She does not like to be on her tummy and will either roll over (started at 4.5 months) or scream at me until I move her so we don't have much progress in the crawling department, however she LOVES to stand and she is moving her legs like she's going to get up and walk at any moment!

Taylor has been exclusively breastfed up until monday 4/19/10 when we started introducing foods. We tried rice cereal for a few days and she did not care for it at all! She loved my cream of wheat so we switched to that. We tried squash on 4/25 and she also loved it! Technically though, her first food was sherbert, I started sharing with her at about 4.5 months because her gums were hurting and the cold spoon helped.

Tayor has always been a talker! She very rarely cried as a newborn, but would "talk" even in her sleep, now she babbles all the time. She is learning new sounds everyday and LOVES to copy simple sounds that myself or my husband make.
Recently, she has started to throw little fits that I can only describe as temper tantrums. If I take her toy or make her stop playing for whatever reason or even if I walk away when she wants me, or she's fighting sleep but losing, she will yell, arch her back and throw a fit. They usually only last about a minute or two and I'll just leave her be until she's finished. If I'm holding her when she does this I'll put her down until she stops.

Taylor is a big girl, she's already wearing size 9 month clothes in most brands/styles. She has her 6 month check up tomorrow and I'm anxious to see how big she is, at her 4 month check up she was 15lbs and only 3 weeks later she was 16lbs 4oz, she grows fast!